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28 HP Low Temperature Compressor Rack & Remote Condenser Package

Size: 28 HP

Condition: Used

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Sale pending

Rack header detail


Used 28 hp low temp high-side to include “a&b” below:

A)-(1) used 28 hp Zero Zone mnfg compressor rack.  With (2) 6 hp model “4c1480sl-2nu-d1” bitzer compressor and (2) 8 hp model “4c1761sl-2nu” bitzer compressors.

3 phase, 460 volt, r-404a.

Penthouse includes rack header with (20) piping circuits.

Rack rating: 150,300 btuh @ -22 degree sst/+110 degree condensing temp.

 B)-(1) used Bohn mnfg mod.bnld04a028 remote condenser.  4 fans (2x2), 3phase, 460 volt, vertical air flow, 2 circuits.

Thr rating: 27,847 btuh per degree td.

Notes: condenser sized to rack for -22 degree sst, +110 degree condensing temp, and operation on r-404a. Rack header legend available upon request.

$18,000. For used 28 hp high-side, fob Oshkosh, WI.

 *Barr to p-test condenser & run-check fan motors (repair/replace as required) prior to shipping.

*Barr to run-check compressors and repair/replace as required.

*rack headers, controller & electrical panel to be left as-is, with no work by barr.

In stock, ready to ship!


Voltage/Phase: 3 Phase, 460v